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We Accept Letter of Protection Or Medical Lien for Care
of those injured in Car Accidents. $0 Out Of Pocket

 We are in the Heart of South Orange County providing Auto Accident Injury care in Irvine California. We provide treatments solutions for various injuries that result from auto accidents, including: whiplash, herniated disc, and soft tissue injuries. We have specialized in providing effective solutions for auto accidents injuries since 2002, leveraging over 22 years of expertise in handling car accident cases. We take great pride and satisfaction in providing excellent chiropractic care, massage therapy and physical rehabilitation. Our comprehensive care will optimize your healing and recovery. 

Injured in Car crash
Injured in Auto Collision  Lower back pain

Auto accidents can be jarring, both physically and emotionally, often leaving you with aches, pains, and discomfort.  As your Laguna Hills chiropractor, we understand the challenges that follow an car accident. We are an experienced and qualified car accident doctor - Irvine, California. We provide comprehensive care to address injuries and pain stemming from auto accidents, helping you regain your lifestyle, health and peace of mind.

Our well-established relationships with orthopedists, neurologists, MRI facilities, and physical therapists in and around South Orange County will allow us to offer the most prominent and most complete chiropractic care for  auto accident injuries in Irvine California.


We are ready to help!  Call 949 -770 -6096.


Why Choose Us For Your Recovery?




We Are Highly Experienced. 

We created our practice with YOUR needs in mind. We have been providing effective solutions for auto accidents injuries since 2002.. We use the latest technology, including the Low force Proadjuster, to help our patients achieve optimal recovery.

We Customize your Care

Each case has its own complexities, we will take the time to understand the injuries and the unique needs of the injured person, We will complete a comprehensive history of the accident, the injuries sustained, conduct a detailed examination and recommend a  treatment plan aimed at facilitating your recovery and healing. 

We work on Medical Lien or Letter of Protection

We provide care on lien basis or letter of protection for the benefit of those injured in car accident for whom we are concerned gets the care they need.  Lien basis or Letter of Protection means the doctor and the accident clinic are paid for services on close or settlement of the case.   $0 out pocket  requires that you are not at fault, and injuries were sustained from the accident


$0 out of Pocket Treatment **

We provide care on medical lien or letter of protection for the benefit of the injured person. For whom we are concerned gets the care they need.

** terms and conditions apply 


Click on Appointment Request  or Call us Today!

23412 Moulton parkway Suite 120

Laguna Hills, Ca 92653

Tel: 949-770-6096


Over 400    

google 5 star



Since 2002

I had a car accident 2 months ago and I went to Lanier Chiropractic for my neck & back injuries. I have been on treatment for almost 6 weeks now, and l have been feeling much better. Hoping to get back with my normal activities. Thanks Dr. Lanier & to the staff who are all very professional and respectful.

A Mora

Front office



We would like to welcome you to our  Laguna Hills Chiropractic office. We are located at 23412 Moulton Pkwy #120 in Laguna Hills. In the heart of South Orange County, CA.   We want you to know that there is help available. We have been delivering effective care since 2002. Our dedicated team is committed to enhancing your well- being and optimizing  your performance in everyday life, work and sports.  

Come see our beautiful facility, and more importantly, our space for your healing and recovery.   We offer a wide range of services including chiropractic care, massage therapy, physiotherapy, nutritional recommendations, and sports injury and performance care. We will individualize your care, whether you’re a patient who was involved in an auto accident (whiplash), has lower back pain, neck pain, sciatica, bulging disc, or degenerative disc, we want to help. If you’re a patient that prefers low force our Proadjuster is right for you, it is a computerized low force- adjusting technique and gets great results.

Our Services

Welcome to Lanier Chiropractic, PC where we offer Rehabilitation Exercises -Laguna Hills, California and Rehabilitation Exercises -Irvine, California, a dynamic approach to recovery and wellness. Our mission is to help you rebuild strength, restore function, and thrive through customized exercise programs tailored to your unique needs and goals. Our therapy goals are to improve Injuries sustained in car accidents, Sports injuries or repetitive poor posture. 

Physical rehab



NASA technology, In a chiropractic setting, the technology works by introducing a light force to a vertebra, then immediately measuring the reflective force via a piezoelectric sensor. A computer then interprets the data and determines the fluidity of the joint. All of this happens more quickly than the body’s ability to react, which yields highly accurate results.

The Pro-Adjuster detects where the joints are too rigid, it utilizes a highly precise and gentle oscillating force to manipulate only the abnormal areas. As it does so, the pressure is released and pain subsides. This technique eliminates  joint "popping" or use of force in a adjustment.  

$0 out of Pocket Treatment **

We provide care on medical lien or letter of protection for the benefit of the injured person. For whom we are concerned gets the care they need.

** terms and conditions apply 

Click on Appointment request or Call us Today!

23412 Moulton parkway Suite 120

Laguna Hills, Ca 92653


Tel: 949-770-6096

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